The best part, of course, was being able to enter a deeper level of relationship with all four of the boys. They each brought a different element to the group dynamics, and it was really cool to see the boys grow in how they interacted, not only with us, but also with each other. On top of relational breakthrough, the boys let us walk alongside them as different family or personal issues cropped up, through the catalysts of physical challenges and a week's lack of personal space! By the grace of God, those boys, and us leaders, will never be the same.

A couple of short weeks after the “Awesome Camp” backpacking trip, we held our annual “Camp Awesome” event. We gathered all of the Hatch Rd. Kids--and a few extras that we have met over the course of our time in the West/South side areas--and took them up to a YWAM base called the Lord's Land, an ex-hippy commune in Mendocino, in the mountains, near the beach. All of the YWAM Modesto families came along (that is, all of our staff's kids) and a group of friends from Global Youth Network in Canada came to help, too. We had 4 days of fun, food and frolicking through fountains of God's forever flowing favor and grace. fffff. The days were packed with craft-esque activities, as well as games and exercise morning and night. For a couple of hours every afternoon the whole gang (about 40 people, total) caravanned 5 minutes to the beach. Practically none of the kids had ever been to the ocean before, so as you can imagine, they made a B-line right for it, and stayed in as long as they could. At the beach we had a campfire, climbed a rock wall (and some of the kids were naturals at it), explored caves, and, would you believe it, saw a crab, starfish and jellyfish.
And here’s Rhiannon’s take on our most recent trip to Thailand:

Thailand. "The land of smiles."
Firstly, thank you to all of those who supported us financially and prayerfully. We love you and continually thank God for you.
Each day we were able to work along side Compasio workers. Simply doing what they do each day, loving these beautiful Thai and Burmese children. We worked for the most part at three locations.
The drop-in center is a small room located in the market. Each day at 1 pm it opens to receive a swarm of Burmese children. Most of them are sub-refugees, some homeless, most on the street begging for their survival and their families’ survival. Each day a meal is provided for them. We played, we held, we hugged. They would teach us Burmese and we would teach them English. My favorite week was the week we painted the drop-in center. God blessed me with the opportunity to paint a mural for them. A hand full of the kids would stay behind to help us paint. I could tell it meant a lot to them to be a part. We became their safe place.

Compasio also has two "safe houses". I believe there are about 17 children total between the homes. Most of these children used to be begging on the street, and three of them were born in prison. These children now have safe, happy homes. It's so beautiful that God cares to provide Compasio staff to parent these children. We had such a great time with them. They took to John and me quickly. We had the honor of being part of their family while we were there. We did a lot of playing, talking, teaching and, of course, painting! We taught them how to mix colors. Both therapeutic and fun!
These children are so close to God’s Heart. As we were Christ to them, they were Christ to us.
Please pray for the Compasio staff and the children they serve. It was our goal to love these children fiercely and to be a blessing to and refresh their staff; by the grace of Christ it was accomplished.
Thanks be to God.
Love, John and Rhiannon